Using contact lenses has huge advantages in terms of comfort and aesthetics, but some simple hygiene recommendations should be followed:
Preparation: before putting in the contact lenses
Before touching the contact lenses you must wash your hands well to prevent dirt or bacteria from getting in contact with eyes. Otherwise, infections could occur. A soft neuter soap and warm water should be used; rub to remove lotions and dirt under your fingernails. Then rinse well to remove any soap residue. To dry your hands, better shake them to remove excess water and air dry. You can also use a soft paper or a towel but it must be lint-free.
Use the pads of your fingers carefully; do not use tweezers or sharp objects that may damage the contacts. Before putting in the lens, check that it is in perfect conditions and it isn't past its sell-by date.
Do not wear contact lenses if you have infections or your eyes are irritated, since the use of contact lenses may aggravate it. If you follow a medical treatment that involves the use of eye drops, do not wear contact lenses, unless your eye care professional tells you otherwise.
Makeup can be used; however the lenses should be inserted before makeup. When removing them, follow the same steps: first take the contact lenses out and then start removing your makeup.
Using contact lenses safely
Contacts can be used for all kinds of activities, including sports, except swimming or other water sports.
It is advisable to avoid prolonged contact lenses wear times, but don't wear them any longer than one day. You need to remove the contacts and proceed to clean them, because it accumulates dirt that can produce allergies or infections. In addition, the eye also needs to "rest".
If the contact lenses are daily disposable, they should be disposed at the end of the day, before bedtime. Each contact lens is designed to work optimally and securely for a certain time. Check your contact lenses for the recommended disposal date and don't wear them much longer than that. In any case, whether daily, monthly or conventional contact lenses, you should not sleep with the contact lenses in unless you are prescribed extended wear contacts by your doctor or optometrist.
While using contact lenses, you should keep the eyes hydrated: use artificial tears (rewetting eye drops) frequently. If you have burning sensation or dryness, you usually need to use artificial tears. If you begin to experience any pain or discomfort, sore eyes or blurred vision, remove your contact lenses and talk to an eye care professional as soon as possible.
After use: preserving the contact lenses in good condition
Disponsable daily contact lenses can only be used once (for a day), so no clean-up is required. Any other types of contact lenses (which can be used several times) should be cleaned and disinfected after each use, that is, to make a daily cleaning.
Cleaning is done using solutions specially created for that. Never rinse your contacts in products such as hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, saline solution or just regular tap water, because they will just make them dirty (or drier than before). Tap water and even purified water can contain chemicals or bacteria. They will no sanitize the contact lenses and you might suffer serious eye damage. There are many contact lenses solutions, each with different uses and recommendations; therefore you need to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions or your optician's. Do not mix different solutions, except that each product's descriptions clearly state that they can be used together. Some contact lenses also need a weekly enzymatic cleaning with a special liquid that removes protein deposits that are not taken away with daily cleaning. If cleaning is not performed, impurities remain attached to the contact lens, causing irritation and poor vision. Over time, contact lenses wear down and accumulate deposits that cannot be removed, so they need to be replaced each year with new ones.
After cleaning, please keep the contacts in a contact case or lens holder, immersed in a preserving solution. Place a single contact lens in each compartment, making sure it is in the center. Case cleaning is as important as the contact lenses' so you should also disinfect it like the contact lenses. Once the case is closed, keep it in a clean and disinfected place. It is also advisable to replace the contact case every time you change solution.
Never reuse liquids, check also the expiring date. There are products called multi-purpose solutions that make all functions: disinfect, cleanse, moisturize and remove proteins. Therefore, when you are going to use the contacts again, you just have to take them out of the box and put them in directly. Contac lenses can be stored for weeks immersed in contact lens solution, however, if they have spent quite time stored, it is advisable to re-disinfect before using them again.